Timesheet app for construction

Spend less time in the office and more time on the job site, with TimeDock.

On average, manual-entry timesheets cost an organisation 2% of payroll. While that doesn't sound like a lot, it's a little over a whole week a year in wages. That's over eight thousand dollars for every ten employees on $20/hr left on the table.

Using a badge-based system instead of manually keying in time entries offers a more scalable, faster, more intuitive and more accurate time and attendance solution for construction sites, than having individuals account for their time or supervisors typing it in at the end of the day.

For on-site offices, we have wall-mounted and window-mounted time clocks available. Employees can clock in from one and out from another -TimeDock is designed to be fragmented across multiple job sites and departments, synchronising with your TimeDock dashboard so that you can check in throughout the day to see what hours have been worked.

Clocking in on a construction site with TimeDock QR Code time tracking

Talk to us today for more information about how you can transform your timesheets into a scalable asset for your business.

Click here to send us an enquiry

or phone +64 9 444 1384
to log a callback from our sales team

TimeDock transforms construction time tracking into an intuitive and scalable process, with realtime timesheets and hours worked.

Have a look at some of our time tracking options:

Time Clocks

TimeDock Cloud Time Clock TimeDock Cloud Time Clock - Blue background
7:00 Last synced 1 minute ago Workshop Device 01 version 2.0.6
IN Allan Smith
OUT Allan Smith
NFC Key Fob


iPhone X TimeDock app background for iPhone X
IN Allan Smith
OUT Allan Smith
TimeDock employee ID card badge


Android TimeDock Fire Drill app background for Android
t 01:31s 14 of 42
TimeDock employee ID card badge

Click on the images above to find out more.

Start with a free trial...

Let us help you set up a trial, or jump straight in and configure your own. Simply add some employees, print their QR Code ID cards, download the TimeDock mobile app and start scanning.

Here's a video demonstrating what your timesheets will look like, streaming through from your devices out on site.

Start a Free Trial

or phone +64 9 444 1384
to log a callback from our sales team

Feedback from a few customers in construction...

RNP Homes

RNP Homes

Timedock has been awesome from the start and only gets better by the week :) -Karl G., Operations Manager.
Southmost Drywall, Inc.

Southmost Drywall, Inc.

TimeDock is very easy to understand and use. It is easy for the guys in the field to clock employees in and out. -Tina, Administration.
Central Florida Drywall & Plastering

Central Florida Drywall & Plastering

TimeDock has worked perfectly for our construction company. It has saved us 4 hours per week per supervisor vs paper time cards. -David, Project Manager.

Click here for more reviews by some of our other customers.

Here's what it'll cost...


per person, per month.
optional hardware not included

Let's chat

or phone +64 9 444 1384
to log a callback from our sales team