Swipe Cards

Scan your employees' ID badges with your iPhone or Android as they arrive on site, or purchase an NFC/QR-Code combined card for versatility.

QR Code and NFC Employee ID Badge swipe card QR Code and NFC Employee ID Badge swipe card * Print/encode your own or order cards from your TimeDock dashboard for $1 each

QR-Code time tracking is fast, scalable and versatile. Don't waste time searching through lists of employees to clock them in... wave their card in front of your phone to clock dozens of staff into work in seconds.

Perfect for field-based industries such as construction, horticulture, healthcare... QR Code time tracking reduces timesheet error as a robust and real-time timesheet interface that works anywhere.

Each team leader or designated person can scan dozens of employee QR Codes, at any job location, in seconds.

Then, from your TimeDock timesheet dashboard, time entries and job hours are visible immediately.

Export hours to our growing list of integrated payroll applications, investigate productivity see who's working on what so that you can more effectively manage your operations as they happen.

Feature / option Details
Print on any printer Included in subscription
Use your own card printer Included in subscription
Purchase plastic card versions $1 each + shipping
Standard template
Custom designs D.I.Y. or use your own designer

Find out more about Mobile Time Tracking

or phone +64 9 444 1384
to log a callback from our sales team

QR Code swipe cards and NFC badges create a scalable & seamless clocking in experience, for real-time timesheets and job hours

Get your staff clocking into work with QR Code and NFC badges, integrated seamlessly with our Mobile Time Clock apps and Wall-mounted time clock options.

Time Clocks

TimeDock Cloud Time Clock TimeDock Cloud Time Clock - Blue background
7:00 Last synced 1 minute ago Workshop Device 01 version 2.0.6
IN Allan Smith
OUT Allan Smith
NFC Key Fob


iPhone X TimeDock app background for iPhone X
IN Allan Smith
OUT Allan Smith
TimeDock employee ID card badge


Android TimeDock Fire Drill app background for Android
t 01:31s 14 of 42
TimeDock employee ID card badge

Click on the images above to find out more.

Here's what they cost...


each, plus shipping.

Email us for more info

or phone +64 9 444 1384
to log a callback from our sales team