QR Data Forms

Customise simple forms with QR Codes or NFC Tags linked directly to them, to capture datasets based on real-world context such as location or equipment type.

TimeDock visitor log QR Code * Pre-beta. Does not integrate with FireDrill.
Create any data capture form, not just visitor logs.

Since 2012 we've been using QR Codes and NFC Tags as printed buttons with context, to augment real-world business procedures.

Starting with employee badges for clocking in on construction sites, we long ago understood the value inherent in being able to print complex URL's that could be scanned. Born from QR Codes and then expanded into NFC Tags, TimeDock has matured as a visionary time and attendance platform.

We're excited to be on the cusp of leading the way again, with QR Data Forms.

Sign up for a free trial of TimeDock today, to take advantage of QR Data Forms real-time time and attendance within your organisation.

Register free trial

or phone +64 9 444 1384
to log a callback from our sales team

QR Data Forms is part of our suite of cloud time and attendance products

Get your staff clocking in on site and off site with QR Code and NFC badges that work seamlessly between mobile and hardware time clock options.

Cloud TimeSheets

TimeDock time hub timesheet (also known by some people as a time cloud)

Time Clocks

TimeDock Cloud Time Clock TimeDock Cloud Time Clock - Blue background
7:00 Last synced 1 minute ago Workshop Device 01 version 2.0.6
IN Allan Smith
OUT Allan Smith
NFC Key Fob


iPhone X TimeDock app background for iPhone X
IN Allan Smith
OUT Allan Smith
TimeDock employee ID card badge


Android TimeDock Fire Drill app background for Android
t 01:31s 14 of 42
TimeDock employee ID card badge

Click on the images above to find out more.

Here's what it'll cost...


per 2500 data points collected, per month.
* One form can contain more than one data point.

Let's chat

or phone +64 9 444 1384
to log a callback from our sales team