Time tracking for horticulture

TimeDock puts time back in your hands, so that you can focus on working the land.

There's nothing more important than focusing on what's important and being on the land. We know it's more than a full-time job!

Talk to one of our team

So when it comes to productivity, timesheets and other demands around time tracking in your business, we at TimeDock share that passion for getting on with it. Instead of worrying where time went or what your workers did two weeks ago, focus on more important things by letting TimeDock put time back in your day.

On average, manual-entry timesheets cost businesses 2% of payroll. While that doesn't sound like a lot, relatively speaking, it can add up to a lot, especially when you factor in a typical week on the land, which isn't a typical week in the office.

At TimeDock we appreciate that "time equals money", so we want to make it easy for you to keep an eye on it, without costing time yourself trying to track it.

TimeDock has worked perfectly for our Agri-business. It saved us 4 hours per week per supervisor vs paper time cards.

Instead of spending their time in the truck at the end of a busy week figuring out where they were and what they did, your team has the convenience of a real-time clock in/out timekeeping system in the palm of their hand.

Our Employee Cards come equipped with a unique identification badge and combined with the mobile scanner on your mobile phone, all you and your team need are to remember to scan the QR code when you start and when you finish. It's that simple!

Timekeeping with TimeDock is a breeze, and every hour is already accounted for and sent to the payroll team, instantly.

The agricultural industry is different from your stock standard business. Many workers are on and off-site at varying times, doing multiple jobs, and often there are many new faces to track hours for.

Many other time tracking apps fall short of their potential. They require individual workers or supervisors to enter their hours worked manually, leading to late timesheets and inaccuracies. So money is wasted, tracking the time and where it went vs focusing on the next task at hand.

We know that many reinvent the wheel, sometimes when the old one worked just fine. At TimeDock, our mobile applications enhance and build on the setup you have in place already, instead of demanding a new way of doing things. We slot in with your way of working, not the other way round. Our solution integrates seamlessly with many operating systems on the market, so that you can best capture and accurately record time on any device and have anyone working in your business do the same.

TimeDock creates a timekeeping hub where your team can quickly check their timesheets, make adjustments, and connect with their payroll colleagues. Best of all, the system is live, so you and the team can have an accurate picture of what a day in the business looks like, in real-time. Instantly.

As an industry that prides itself on managing the unpredictable, whether after-hours calving or the next harvest prediction, TimeDock appreciates the importance of accurate timekeeping software. We believe in software that is robust, simple to use, and backed by premium support when you need it. Our support is there at the click of a button, anytime.

My support experience is what keeps me with TimeDock. It has the features we absolutely must have right now.

TimeDock's team prides itself on exceptional customer service. Any query you have, we're onto it. We're known for our quick callbacks, efficient problem solving, and a friendly voice on the end of the phone.

So, how does it work?

As a start, here's a video demonstrating what your timesheets will look like, t streaming through from your devices out in, in real-time.

We're so confident in our products and services at TimeDock that we're offering you a free trial.

That way you can use TimeDock and see for yourself if it's right for you.

Talk to us today for more information about how you can transform your timesheets into a scalable asset for your business.

When you're ready, pick up the phone or send us an email and our team will get you sorted out so you can see how easy it is to use TimeDock.

Start a Free Trial

or phone +64 9 444 1384
to log a callback from our sales team

TimeDock transforms farms, forestry and other agricultural time tracking into an intuitive and scalable asset, with realtime timesheets and hours worked.

Have a look at some of our time tracking options:

Time Clocks

TimeDock Cloud Time Clock TimeDock Cloud Time Clock - Blue background
7:00 Last synced 1 minute ago Workshop Device 01 version 2.0.6
IN Allan Smith
OUT Allan Smith
NFC Key Fob


iPhone X TimeDock app background for iPhone X
IN Allan Smith
OUT Allan Smith
TimeDock employee ID card badge


Android TimeDock Fire Drill app background for Android
t 01:31s 14 of 42
TimeDock employee ID card badge

Click on the images above to find out more.

Start with a free trial...

Let us help you set up a trial, or jump straight in and configure your own. Simply add some employees, print their QR Code ID cards, download the TimeDock mobile app and start scanning.

Start a Free Trial

or phone +64 9 444 1384
to log a callback from our sales team

Feedback from a few of our customers...

Stoked Stainless

Stoked Stainless

This software allowed us to go digital with our timesheets. It saves having to fill in paper sheets, then enter that data weekly. Timedock takes care of that. Better still, it syncs into our payroll software. -Daniel, Director.
Erlon Limited

Erlon Limited

I can see straight away what has been done. It saves us definately time and money. -Martina, Horticultural Division Manager.
NK Windows Solutions

NK Windows Solutions

It is quite exciting learning about this new system. -Heather, Accounts & Office Administrator.

Click here for more reviews by some of our other customers.

Here's what it'll cost...


per person, per month.
optional hardware not included

Let's chat

or phone +64 9 444 1384
to log a callback from our sales team