Finish up without the paperwork, thanks to NFC time tracking

TimeDock Cloud Time Clock TimeDock Cloud Time Clock - Blue background
7:00 Last synced 1 minute ago Workshop Device 01 version 2.0.6
IN Allan Smith
OUT Allan Smith
NFC Key Fob
* Bring your own NFC enabled Android device, or use our NFC time clocks with key fobs or swipe cards

Wouldn't it be nice for your supervisors to knock off at the end of the day, without having to add an extra fifteen or twenty minutes recalling who did what and at what time?

When was the last time you manually typed in your bank balance when you purchased something from the store? You wouldn't, would you! Why? Because you shouldn't need to. So why are so many time tracking apps still using this for their timesheets entry?

App-based time tracking has long been a manual process. Typing hours manually or scrolling through lists of employees, many of which your team leads may not know, for the sake of accuracy.

Worse, many companies are still relying on pen and paper to submit their hours and brute force labour for keying them into back-office software.

What if you could issue key fobs or swipe cards and have employees clock in, just like they would at any punch clock machine, even when they're out in the field?

Well, with a technology called NFC, you can!

NFC is the same technology that's used for mobile payments. Not only can your phone broadcast, but it can also read NFC tags. This means you can easily assign employee badges that they can use to clock in, using a simple time tracking app that we've been improving since 2012.

All your staff need to do is tab their NFC tags (or ID cards) to a team lead's phone to clock in!

You can even interchange between mobile and mounted, with dedicated punch clocks developed to meet growing organisations' needs and options for mounting time clocks in vehicles and portable offices.

Here's what your timesheets could look like, in realtime, with TimeDock and NFC badges:

The timesheet above is a live timesheet embedded directly from one of our demo accounts.
Click here to learn how to share your own live timesheets as a private link.

Talk to us today about how you can dramatically enhance your timekeeping processes with NFC time tracking.

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