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Extend TimeDock by integrating your own functionality

Access a range of API endpoints designed to enable your apps to interact with core functionality and data within your TimeDock.

Talk to us about our API

+64 9 444 1384

TimeDock Developer API = Limitless functionality

Anchor chain link

Connect to your TimeDock account

Obtain API and authorisation keys to securely connect to your TimeDock account when using the API.

App code

Integrate with your TimeDock account

Use the API to integrate your application with your TimeDock account, using a number of core methods.

Cloud connected

Build custom features and workflows

Create meaningful add ons in your application such as custom reporting and syncronised data sets.

About TimeDock

Real-time access to timesheets and job hours from anywhere.

  • Get a real-time view of your timesheets.

  • Choose Hardware and App-based options.

  • Analyse productivity and job hours.

Get more information or try TimeDock Mobile.

+64 9 444 1384

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
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    <ResponseHeader xmlns="http://tempuri.org/">
      <ResponseMessage>Succeeded or Failed or DeclinedDueToThrottling</ResponseMessage>
    <GetEmployeesResponse xmlns="http://tempuri.org/">
          <Status>available or unavailable or pending or cancelled or suspended or archived or deleted or superceded</Status>
          <Status>available or unavailable or pending or cancelled or suspended or archived or deleted or superceded</Status>
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length

  "soap:Envelope": {
    "-xmlns:xsi": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance",
    "-xmlns:xsd": "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema",
    "-xmlns:soap": "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/",
    "soap:Header": {
      "ResponseHeader": {
        "-xmlns": "http://tempuri.org/",
        "ServerUtc": "dateTime",
        "DidSucceed": "boolean",
        "ResponseMessage": "Succeeded or Failed or DeclinedDueToThrottling",
        "IsCompleteResultSet": "boolean",
        "MostRecentResultModifiedUtc": "dateTime"
    "soap:Body": {
      "GetEmployeesResponse": {
        "-xmlns": "http://tempuri.org/",
        "GetEmployeesResult": {
          "EmployeePublicInfo": [
              "Id": "guid",
              "Status": "available or unavailable or pending or cancelled or suspended or archived or deleted or superceded",
              "PayrollId": "string",
              "FName": "string",
              "LName": "string",
              "GetGps": "boolean",
              "Qrl": "string",
              "Department": "string"
              "Id": "guid",
              "Status": "available or unavailable or pending or cancelled or suspended or archived or deleted or superceded",
              "PayrollId": "string",
              "FName": "string",
              "LName": "string",
              "GetGps": "boolean",
              "Qrl": "string",
              "Department": "string"

About the Developer API

The TimeDock Developer API is a SOAP-based web service.

  • Key-based authentication allows you to connect to a single TimeDock account.

  • Web service reference documentation provides a list and description of available API methods.

  • Consume the API by sending SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) requests to a selected method, and interpreting the response.

Get in touch today to discuss your integration requirements.

Get started today

Let's talk about how your app can use the TimeDock Developer API to tap into the value of seamless timesheet data.

Enquire now Contact us

+64 9 444 1384