5 ways to enjoy the time you’ve saved, streamlining timesheet processes
Authored by Jul 16, 2020
-Once you’ve managed to use an innovative cloud-based time clock technology to streamline your timesheet processes, you might find yourself with a little extra time on your hands.
Here are some ways that you can make the most of that time to improve your work/life balance.

1. Quality time with the family
You’ve freed up your Wednesday nights! Instead of being stuck in front of a screen, manually entering pen and paper data into yet another spreadsheet, why don’t you turn it into a regular event for you and your loved ones.
Mid-week date nights always go down a treat. Dimly-lit restaurants, sunset walks on the beach, laser-tag. Whatever you and your partner are into, you can now put aside time to do something more than collapse exhausted onto the couch.
Got kids? Family game night is a sadly declining tradition. Invest in some easy-but-fun games for the whole family!
Even a standard pack of cards and a classic game like Scum can have you and the family laughing, joking and connecting in new ways.
2. Learn something new
Before memes and 5G conspiracy theories, the internet was heralded as a revolutionary way to spread learning throughout the world.
When you’re a small business owner, you often don’t have time to prioritise your own growth. Whether you want to improve your digital literacy, learn new business skills, or pick up a new language, there are now thousands and thousands of free and paid online courses for you to choose from.
From overarching advice from experts in a field with MasterClass, or gaining in-depth skills through Harvard’s online courses, you can take one evening a week to grow yourself and, by extension, your business.
3. Look after your mental health
There has been a lot of talk over the last few years about how important mental health is. When you are responsible for a team of a few or even a few hundred, you can end up putting your staffs’ needs above yours.
Why don’t you take this new free time to do something that you know helps you be your psychological best. Whether it’s painting, meditating, gaming, or reading some easy genre fiction, take this time to look reset, recover and give yourself the space you need to be the most effective leader you can be.
By taking the time to look after your mental health, you are creating an environment for all of those around you that will set up them, you, and your business for success.
4. Conquer objectives
Do you have a list of things you want to get done at the bottom of the list in your notes app, or scribbled in a dusty journal under the desk?
Maybe you want to get fitter, or watch every movie in the IMDB Top 250. Maybe that guitar you played every day before business took off is calling to you.
Or perhaps you have some business goals you’ve been itching to tackle. Starting a blog that will drive traffic to your site, or putting together a list of potential clients your sales team could reach out to.
Whatever it is, by taking one night a week to tick off real, tangible goals you will start to see some real, tangible results.
5. Quality time with the family
Were you a sports star back in your school days? Did you take part in every single school show? Spend lunchtimes playing poker behind the Maths block where teachers couldn’t see you?
With an extra few hours each week, you can finally find time to get back into the hobbies that you had to put on hold when you first became a small business owner.
Start a casual indoor soccer or netball team. Audition for a local theatre production. Get the mates together for a $10 buy-in poker night once a week.
You’ve probably managed to make your passion into a career, which is fantastic! Now is a great time to find something to be causally passionate about and meet people who feel the same.
Whatever you decide to do with your new-found time, it’s yours and you can do with it whatever you like.
If you’re looking to claim back some of the time you’re losing to timesheets, just get in touch with the team at TimeDock and find out how our solution can help you take back your life.