Adding employees

Last updated - Jun 02, 2020 at 2:55PM

To add a new employee log in to the TIMEDOCK web portal and navigate to Setup > Employees in the top navigational menu and then click New within the left-hand-side actions menu. A form will appear asking for the following details:

Detail Required? Description
Name Required

The name of the employee.

Payroll ID Required

A unique reference code or number for your employee. Ideally this will be the same as the employee reference code from your payroll software.

Department Optional

A department code that will be attached to In/Outs unless overridden by higher-level department code (for example all work on a particular job may be assigned a specific department code). This feature is most often used for payroll and reporting purposes.

Normal rate Optional

The regular hourly pay-rate of the employee.

Photo Optional

A photo of the employee that will appear on printed ID cards.

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